24 questions

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24 questions with transformational relationship coach John Kenny


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QxYMyU0B6zg   Proof that you can be busy and still enjoy yourself came when Emma had two interviews in one day. Not only did it keep her off [...]

24 questions with transformational relationship coach John Kenny2020-07-10T11:28:10+00:00

24 questions with psychic warrior Stella Phillips, founder of Stella’s Holistic Services


Just when she thought her day couldn’t get any better, Emma was delighted to chat with her good friend Stella Phillips. She’s a psychic warrior, healer, [...]

24 questions with psychic warrior Stella Phillips, founder of Stella’s Holistic Services2020-06-26T11:16:13+00:00

24 questions with Tony Crawley, founder of VReptile International


https://youtu.be/DNxJk-4wU14  Emma celebrated her lockdown birthday not with champagne and chocolates, but by chatting with Tony Crawley of VReptile International. If you’re looking for an exotic [...]

24 questions with Tony Crawley, founder of VReptile International2020-05-21T09:28:27+00:00