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No more flashing the cash? Seven out of 10 customers will stick with digital payments post Covid-19


"Nothing is so painful to the human mind as a great and sudden change", quipped Frankenstein author Mary Shelley. As life ever-so-slowly returns to normal after the Covid-19 outbreak, [...]

No more flashing the cash? Seven out of 10 customers will stick with digital payments post Covid-192020-06-26T07:50:08+00:00

Consent and compliance: 10 tips about “data-day” GDPR and how to master it


We all know data is the new gold in this digital age, and many people are – quite rightly – more protective of their personal [...]

Consent and compliance: 10 tips about “data-day” GDPR and how to master it2020-06-13T13:10:22+00:00