Here to share her winning ways is Betsy Pake, author, speaker, entrepreneur and friend across the pond. Oh, and she’s a competitive weightlifter too. Take it away, multi-tasking lady…
#1. So, what’s your favourite word?
Guacamole is fun to say, I like the way it sounds.
#2. What gets you up in the morning?
I like to have some me time; time to read, time to meditate before anyone else in the house gets up.
#3. What do you truly, honestly think of social media?
I think that it can be bad if it’s taken in too deeply. You have to recognise that everyone is sharing their best stuff. Don’t compare yourself to anyone.
#4. Kindles or books?
I love books, but you can’t beat a Kindle when you’re at the beach.
#5. What do you think is the biggest challenge to your industry right now?
There’s a lot of information out there. Most people are looking for validation on what they already think and if they could just get quiet with themselves, they could have clarity on their own.
#6. What did you want to be when you were growing up?
I wanted to be a teacher, which is really what I am.
#7. What led you to your current career?
My daughter had severe anxiety and so in learning how to help her, I realised that skill of starting small could help many. I noticed that if I used the same methodology with my clients, I could help ease their resistance to change.
#8. Can you use your favourite word in a sentence?
Holy Guacamole!
#9. Now can you make it rhyme?
I did that!!
#10. Told you she could multitask. What advice would you give to your younger self?
You are enough.
#11. What’s the best thing anyone’s ever done for you?
I had a mentor who really listened to me. It helped me gain such clarity on what my beliefs were and which ones were holding me back.
#12. Tell us, what’s been your ‘career-defining’ moment?
That moment of realising there was something bigger for me, outside the corporate world, was incredibly exciting, I just needed to follow that intution and see where it took me.
#13. If you won a big award of some kind, who would you thank?
My husband and my daughter.
#14. Can you give us a timesaver of the day?
Take three things out of your list that you can accomplish. That way you don’t get bogged down and make sure the things you do that day have the biggest impact.
#15. Three’s a charm. Where do you see your industry in 24 months?
As so much has gone online, actually I think it will go back to more personal touch points, events, workshops etc.
#16. Where were you 24 months ago?
I’d just sold a business and was prepping to compete in the Pan-American Masters of Weightlifting. I won bronze.
#17. Go girl. What’s an interesting fact about your company?
I’m developing a new course in line with my book Start small, live big with accompanying workshops around the country.
#18. If you could have a 24-minute Skype chat with anyone, living or dead, who would it be?
Vishen Lakhiani, founder of Mindvalley, AwesomeFest and author of The Code of the Extraordinary Mind. He sees the world in a way I find interesting and inspiring.
#19. What’s one word you’d want people to describe you with?
Integrity, you want people to see that you live in alignment and are congruent. So what I say is the same as what I do.
#20. Would you mind taking a selfie for us?
Sure thing.
#21. What’s your favourite Twitter handle or social media campaign?
#journorequest – I use that a lot.
#22. What’s one quote that defines your work ethic?
Perfect is the enemy of the good (Voltaire). Don’t wait to start, for things to be perfect. Don’t let opportunities pass you by.
#23. What’s been the best part of your day?
Getting to see my family this morning. Everyone left happy.
#24. Finally, anything to plug?
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