Charlotte Lewis, founder of the Love Life Agency, is trying to help the nation find love. Move over First Dates Fred, Charlotte’s here.

#1. So, what’s your favourite word?


#2. Natch. What gets you up in the morning?

Coffee and my boyfriend.

#3. What do you truly, honestly think of social media?

Ooooh. I have a love hate relationship actually. I don’t really understand it; it’s got its good and bad points. I feel you have to be confident to use it and not let yourself get upset by any negative comments. Plus, not everything poeple share is the truth.

#4. Kindles or books?

Books. Although my boyfriend keeps trying to persuade me that kindles are the way forward.

#5. What do you think is the biggest challenge to your industry right now?

It’s quite a saturated market and also it’s still not fully understood in terms of what it can help someone achieve.

#6. What did you want to be when you were growing up?

A fashion designer, sweet shop lady and a teacher.

#7.  10p mix-up for us! What led you to your current career?

I started teaching yoga and then I’ve just been on a self-development journey really. After going through some experiences, I met a coach who really empowered me to trust and believe in myself. That led me to becoming a coach. I found myself helping more and more single people, and so The Love Life Agency was born.

#8. Can you use your favourite word in a sentence?

I love pugs and penny sweets.

#9. Now can you make it rhyme?

True love is like a white dove. Pure and simple.

#10. Lolz. What advice would you give to your younger self?

Don’t worry about anything (and stay away from bad boys).

#11. Cos every little thing’s gonna be alright. What’s the best thing anyone’s ever done for you?

Probably my boyfriend who’s always been really supportive of me.

#12. Tell us, what’s been your ‘career-defining’ moment?

I’m on my way. More to come.

#13. Ooh, exciting. If you won a big award of some kind, who would you thank?

My mum, my dad, my boyfriend. And the people who have hurt me along the way, they’ve helped me grow.

#14. Can you give us a timesaver of the day?

Don’t keep checking emails all the time. Give yourself a two hour slot max.

#15. Where do you see your industry in 24 months?

I’m not sure. I’m hoping it will be more awakened. More conscious.

#16. Where were you 24 months ago?

I’d just come back from India, after getting over a break-up. I got over him.

#17. What’s an interesting fact about your company?

I don’t think there’s anyone out there who’s doing what I’m doing, especially with my video coaching subscription. I want to give more support along the journey of finding and keeping love.

#18. If you could have a 24-minute Skype chat with anyone, living or dead, who would it be?

Leonardo di Caprio. He’s a fellow Scorpio, loves animals. And he’s single. I could help him discover what’s holding him back.

#19. Give him our number too. What’s one word you’d want people to describe you with?


#20. Would you mind taking a selfie for us?


#21. What’s your favourite Twitter handle or social media campaign?

Gabrielle Bernstein. She teaches from a book called The Course of Miracles which is a year-long personal development course. She’s always positive and inspiring.

#22. What’s one quote that defines your work ethic?

Work smarter, not harder.

#23. What’s been the best part of your day?

Meeting you, in the fab Brentwood Kitchen. Us Essex girls have got to stick together.

#24. Totes. Finally, anything to plug?

If you’re single and looking for love, try my free ‘Find The Love Of Your Life in 7 Days‘ video programme. And then I can go buy a hat.

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