We know many business owners wear several hats, from HR to PR and back again and there are some days that really ought to be four times as long, so everything gets done. Fear not, under-pressure damsels in business distress. Like a knight in slimline silver armour, Linkedin’s new features are coming to your rescue and promise will make life a bit easier.
We’re big believers in every little helping, so let’s take a closer look at the goodies (Ed’s note: don’t you mean the Goode stuff? #badumtush)
Supercharge your posts
Taking a shameless leaf straight out of Facebook’s um… book, Linkedin will now allow you to boost a high-performing post to really supercharge your social media post’s engagement.
It might sound like a cue for a song, but Linkedin says all you need are a “click of a button and a few payment details”, it’s a quick and effective way to expand a post’s reach without having to learn any new marketing tools. Nice.
Amplify event promotion and measure the results
If the past year or so has taught us anything, it’s that many of us are more comfortable in front of the camera and crowds than ever before.
If you’re among the businesses using group and community meetings or events as part of your marketing strategy, Linkedin’s Event Ad feature will help promote your event to a new audience, highlighting key details such as date, time, and how to join.
It will also let members know if a mutual connection will be attending, so watch out for talking at the back.
That’s smart enough on its own, but Linkedin’s new features also include an Event Analytics tool that offers insights into the reach, engagement, and companies behind event attendees, crucial information for tailoring or targeting future events.
LinkedIn Live gets a boost
Business owners looking to get in on the livestreaming trend went crazy for Linkedin’s Live feature, which saw a more-than 400% YoY increase in the past 12 months or so.
The chaps at the business platform have taken note and unveiled Custom Streaming, a nifty feature that allows members to use the broadcast tools they are most comfortable with, whether that’s Zoom, WebEx or OBS. If Microsoft Teams is your bag, that’s on its way too.
Measure performance on the Go
Linkedin has finally realised many business owners aren’t chained to their computers 24/7 and can get out and about from time to time.
With that in mind, they’ve launched Mobile Page Analytics, sending all the visitor, follower and content insights, including organic and boosted metrics, normally accessible on your desktop, straight to your phone.
If you’re still struggling to get to grips with Linkedin’s new features, give us a shout and we’ll soon have you LinkedIn-ing like a pro.
We’re 24 fingers, a digital marketing agency and a proud member of the 42 Club, Brentwood Chamber of Commerce, Excel Business Networking Group, the Trusted Business Community, the Organisation for Responsible Businesses and the Rotary Club of Brentwood à Becket. We help companies who are all fingers and thumbs with their social media grow their business and brand. Book your free strategy call here.