On a mission to help clients around the world transform their digital publishing strategies, CEO of Edition Digital, and family man Rok Pulević, takes the seat for our regular 24 questions:
#1. So, what’s your favourite word?
How? That would define my curiousness.
#2. What gets you up in the morning?
My kids, of course.
#3. We hear you, Rok. What do you truly, honestly think of social media?
It’s really useful in reasonable doses.
#4. *Noted*. Kindles or books?
I still have that romantic attitude toward printed books but Kindle wins.
#5. What do you think is the biggest challenge to your industry right now?
Monetisation in digital – as everyone expects digital works automatically without human hard work.
#6. What did you want to be when you were growing up?
A military jet pilot.
#7. Happy to be your wingman, Rok. What led you to your current career?
Desire, passion to improve and laziness. We are so lazy that we invest more hard work at the beginning with planning and thorough checking so we don’t have to deal with huge bugs later. That’s comfy then.
#8. Can you use your favourite word in a sentence?
How can we improve …?
#9. Now can you make it rhyme?
How can we improve
And make it groove
Come on let’s just move
On the way we’ll prove
#10. Groovy. What advice would you give to your younger self?
Take it easy – still repeating it to myself.
#11. What’s the best thing anyone’s ever done for you?
Bringing my kids to the world.
#12. Tell us, what’s been your ‘career-defining’ moment?
My birth, definitely ????
#13. You were obviously destined for great things Rok. If you won a big award of some kind, whom would you thank?
My wife and family.
#14. Always our favourite answer. Can you give us a timesaver of the day?
Just take one step at the time.
#15. Where do you see your industry in 24 months?
Focused on content as we took care of all technology.
#16. Where were you 24 months ago?
I was probably in my office thinking “where I will be 24 months from now?”
#17. Kismet. What’s an interesting fact about your company?
Maybe the fact it’s non-intentional but Edition Digital is actually a family business. My brother Goran is CTO, my wife Vesna COO, my very good friend and my wife’s best friend and bridesmaid Ana is our CMO and CPO, Dr Peter, an old friend.
#18. If you could have a 24-minute Skype chat with anyone, living or dead, who would it be?
I would probably like to talk to Galileo Galilei or Nikola Tesla in case Galileo is busy managing his time.
#19. What’s one word you’d want people to describe you with?
#20. Would you mind taking a selfie for us?
#21. What’s your favourite Twitter Handle or social media campaign?
That would be this from Chipotle.
#22. We’re huge fans too. What’s one quote that defines your work ethic?
There are no business ethics. There are just ethics.
#23. You’re a man after our own heart. What’s been the best part of your day?
Mandatory morning coffee with my colleagues and friends.
#24. Finally, anything to plug?
Every day is a good day to try something new!