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Facebook unveils Vanish mode for Instagram and Messenger


In October, Egyptian archeologists made headlines around the world after they uncovered more than 100 perfectly preserved ancient sarcophaguses, buried over 2,500 years ago.  History [...]

Facebook unveils Vanish mode for Instagram and Messenger2020-11-20T13:44:10+00:00

24 fingers teams up with Microsoft for a series of joint workshops aimed at entrepreneurs


Lennon and McCartney. Emma and Kathy. Steve Jobs and Wozniak. They are among some of the world’s greatest partnerships, creating music, movie characters and must-have [...]

24 fingers teams up with Microsoft for a series of joint workshops aimed at entrepreneurs2020-10-28T15:07:28+00:00

Check your tech and know when to say nothing: Five ways to help you rock video conferencing


We’ve learned a lot about ourselves during lockdown, from our capacity to deal with enormous amounts of disruption to how many biscuits can legitimately accompany a [...]

Check your tech and know when to say nothing: Five ways to help you rock video conferencing2020-06-26T07:06:00+00:00