“How often should I post on social media in 2023?” That is the billion-dollar question.

If we had a pound for every time we’d been asked that question we’d be…well, we’d probably still be looking after people’s social media. Because that’s what we love doing.

But anyway, we digress: if we had a pound for every time we were asked, “How often should I post on social media in 2023?”, we’d probably have the billion dollars required to know the answer.

However, knowing the answer isn’t as simple as us telling you to post three times a week, on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Nor is it as simple as us advising that our clients post every day. It’s much more nuanced than that. Here’s why:

Social media isn’t one size fits all 

If you’ve come here looking for a magic figure for how often you should be posting on social media, we’re sorry, because you’re likely to be disappointed. Yes, we could tell you to post once a day on Instagram, and three times a day on Twitter, but we’d be doing you a disservice.

Firstly, as a small business, would you even have enough content to post that regularly? If the answer to that question is no, then the answer to how often to post is less frequently than this. The frequency that you post needs to be able to match your content creation capacity, and when you run a small business and are CEO, head of marketing, the accounts department, HR, and the chief cook and bottle washer to boot, we appreciate that you may not have the time to create content 24/7.

Quality over Quantity

Going hand in hand with posting frequency, there’s a reason that content is always king: it’s much better to put out good quality content twice or three times a week than putting out post after post which doesn’t hit the spot because it’s of inferior quality. If you’re posting just for the sake of it, then you’re actually likely to lose followers through the use of poor quality content.

Remember to keep your target audience in mind at all times when creating content, and follow your brand’s guidelines: keep your tone of voice consistent, use your brand’s colours throughout, choose high quality images and perhaps an infographic or two.

Consider the type of content you’re posting

Key for 2023 is choosing the right type of content in order to reach your goals. Different types of content will give different end results.

  • Want to build your engagement and your community? Use Instagram Stories.
  • Looking to connect with other B2B brands? Choose LinkedIn.
  • Ready to see your followers grow? Instagram Reels, carousel posts and TikTok are great for reaching new audiences.
  • Want to drive conversions? Make use of User Generated Content.

Knowing what your social media goals are will help you determine what type of content to use*, and this will then lead you to how often you post.

For example, Stories can be used every day, and more than once a day, as they’re great for behind-the-scenes and getting to know your audience. But Instagram Reels take time and a lot of effort (and sometimes, a swear word or two) and so you may wish to use these more sparingly, maybe once a week. Getting to know what works for you and what works towards your goals will help you to decide when to post, and what.

*And then the social media experts like us creep in and whisper “and actually, you should really be posting a mixture of all of the above, at regular intervals, to really make the most of your platforms.” It’s a juggling act. It really is. But that’s where your friendly social media agency steps in. Get in contact with us if you’d like to hear more about that.

Keep it consistent

Above all else, keeping it consistent on your social media is the best thing you can do. If you only have enough content to post twice a week? Then make sure you do post twice a week, every week. This way, you won’t upset the algorithms too much, and your followers will get to know when to expect content from you.

Need more help with how often to post on social media in 2023? Get in touch with 24 fingers

We get it. We really do. It’s difficult to know how often to post to keep your brand in your followers’ minds, and how not to be the brand equivalent of that annoying person that you can track their every move via their Facebook posts because they share EVERYTHING.

And this is where 24 fingers steps in: we can help you to create good quality, consistent content. We will know which types of content will help you to reach your social media goals. And we can even help you to manage your feeds and post consistently.

Get in contact today and we’ll help you with how often to post on social media in 2023.