When days like #NationalBestFriendsDay roll around, brands have a great opportunity to make the most of a trending hashtag. The only question is: is the trending hashtag right for the brand or will it look like a shameless shoehorn like Homebase’s RIP Prince #fail? Here’s a round-up of who totes got it right this year.
Battersea Dogs & Cats Home
Inviting people to share pictures with their beloved pets? Genius. A great way to boost the charity’s cause and get lots of lovely user-generated content.
It’s #NationalBestFriendsDay so to celebrate we’d love to see pics of you with your favourite four legged friends pic.twitter.com/NBNRNk53IH — BatterseaDogs&Cats (@BDCH) June 8, 2016
Wicked the musical
Already a line from the musical, this post practically wrote itself. Love <3
“We’re just two friends, two good friends…” Happy #NationalBestFriendsDay! #WickedUK pic.twitter.com/1xjRSFE1Br
— Wicked UK (@WickedUK) June 8, 2016
National Rail
You might not think #NationalBestFriendsDay links particularly well with National Rail, but they’ve executed this perfectly. Single ticket to Twitter fame please.
Happy #NationalBestFriendsDay! Save 1/3 on journeys together with the Two Together Railcard https://t.co/PLlnTylwMe pic.twitter.com/dkoJ0CcPCw
— National Rail (@nationalrailenq) June 8, 2016
Pizza Express
An easy option would have been to simply say share a pizza with your pal, but this tweet was way better. Pizza > Friendship.
????????: It’s #NationalBestFriendsDay! Share a pizza to celebrate? ????????: Sorry, I’ll take a whole pizza over friendship any day. We’re finished. — PizzaExpress (@PizzaExpress) June 8, 2016
This competition by Superdry is super simple and super effective. Simply tag your pal and win – great way to make #NationalBestFriendsDay relevant to them.
Like this post and tag your bestie below and we’ll send one of you a Superdry goodie bag! ???? #NationalBestFriendsDay pic.twitter.com/MrDAe50ngt — Superdry (@Superdry) June 8, 2016
Pandora went down a similar route to Superdry with this tweet, which includes a specific page on their website called ‘Gifts for friends’.
Happy #NationalBestFriendsDay tag your best friends to let them know your’e thinking of them https://t.co/0nK2kG1N8y pic.twitter.com/dPXzmdZNW8
— PANDORA Jewellery UK (@PANDORA_UK) June 8, 2016
Sunderland AFC
Such. A. Good. Idea. We salute you Sunderland AFC.
It’s #NationalBestFriendsDay… who’s your favourite #SAFC duo? pic.twitter.com/mMQ1QU8uJ8 — Sunderland AFC (@SunderlandAFC) June 8, 2016
24 fingers loves a pun (just ask the resident pun princess) and this steals the show for #NationalBestFriendsDay puns.
Retweet to let your #bff know how you feel this #NationalBestFriendsDay. pic.twitter.com/JMprpZYA5d — Fanta South Africa (@FantaFunZA) June 8, 2016
River Island
River Island wants more people to follow it on Snapchat and it wants to get involved in #NationalBestFriendsDay but how can it link both? Like this…
We’re celebrating #NationalBestFriendsDay over on snapchat… ???? Follow us now ‘riverislandsnap’ ???? pic.twitter.com/Z8sWUuFSWt — River Island (@riverisland) June 8, 2016
And the last, but by no means the least, our favourite…
Cahonas Scotland
This is just incredible. Truly, truly excellent.
Its #NationalBestFriendsDay so guys remember to look after your two best friends…. #TesticularCancerAwareness pic.twitter.com/Cq0M9cLD8K — Cahonas Scotland (@CahonasScotland) June 8, 2016