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What the Dickens! Our festive look back at social media in 2020


“Thank God it’s Kerrrissssmaaaas” sang Freddie Mercury, and ho-ho-so say all of us! Yes, we can barely see our keyboards for the tinsel and we’re [...]

What the Dickens! Our festive look back at social media in 20202020-12-17T16:12:55+00:00

Twitter launches 24-hour Fleets, jumping on the short-term content bandwagon


Nothing stands still in the social media world for long, that’s part of the reason we love it so much – there’s rarely a dull [...]

Twitter launches 24-hour Fleets, jumping on the short-term content bandwagon2020-11-26T15:18:04+00:00

How to use LinkedIn’s new Stories feature to boost your business


What do you get if you blend the glamour of Instagram with TikTok’s snappy video stylings and Snapchat’s ephemeral (content that disappears after a short [...]

How to use LinkedIn’s new Stories feature to boost your business2020-10-21T12:01:48+00:00

How The 42 Club achieved a 650% increase in Facebook visits in just four weeks


“Alone, we can do so little: together, we can do so much,” said American author Helen Keller. She made a good point: everyone in business [...]

How The 42 Club achieved a 650% increase in Facebook visits in just four weeks2020-10-10T14:52:30+00:00

The power of the hashtag: your 101 guide to using hashtags in your social media


Hashtags: we’re all so used to seeing them on our social media feeds nowadays that they’ve become a part of our everyday lives. But using them effectively? Now that can [...]

The power of the hashtag: your 101 guide to using hashtags in your social media2020-08-06T09:17:40+00:00

Facebook tests new plans sticker feature that could be great for announcements


“Life moves pretty fast”, said Ferris Bueller in the 1986 John Hughes comedy, and crikey do we know what he means. Facebook’s ongoing integration of [...]

Facebook tests new plans sticker feature that could be great for announcements2020-07-15T08:20:38+00:00