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How to use LinkedIn’s new Stories feature to boost your business


What do you get if you blend the glamour of Instagram with TikTok’s snappy video stylings and Snapchat’s ephemeral (content that disappears after a short [...]

How to use LinkedIn’s new Stories feature to boost your business2020-10-21T12:01:48+00:00

Especially For You: How the TikTok algorithm personalises content and how businesses can avoid falling foul of it


Getting to grips with social media and figuring out how it can best support businesses is our raison d’etre (or why we get out of [...]

Especially For You: How the TikTok algorithm personalises content and how businesses can avoid falling foul of it2020-07-16T13:25:00+00:00

Facebook tests new plans sticker feature that could be great for announcements


“Life moves pretty fast”, said Ferris Bueller in the 1986 John Hughes comedy, and crikey do we know what he means. Facebook’s ongoing integration of [...]

Facebook tests new plans sticker feature that could be great for announcements2020-07-15T08:20:38+00:00

Check your tech and know when to say nothing: Five ways to help you rock video conferencing


We’ve learned a lot about ourselves during lockdown, from our capacity to deal with enormous amounts of disruption to how many biscuits can legitimately accompany a [...]

Check your tech and know when to say nothing: Five ways to help you rock video conferencing2020-06-26T07:06:00+00:00

Using TikTok for Business: Why the Fastest-Growing Social Media Platform Isn’t Just for Teenagers


It’s a familiar story for parents of tweens and teenagers. You don’t see them for hours, their mobile’s gone missing and all you can hear [...]

Using TikTok for Business: Why the Fastest-Growing Social Media Platform Isn’t Just for Teenagers2020-05-20T08:13:23+00:00