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Instagram allows posting from a desktop but Facebook’s Meta steals its thunder 


You know the saying “always the bridesmaid, never the bride”? We wonder if Instagram feels a little like that at the moment. Just when it was enjoying a moment [...]

Instagram allows posting from a desktop but Facebook’s Meta steals its thunder 2021-10-29T08:51:33+00:00

How can women entrepreneurs support other women? Emma Goode leads the discussion in Facebook’s Virtual Conversation


The Covid-19 pandemic has thrown many things into sharp relief, from work-life balance to why more women entrepreneurs are still having to juggle their careers with domestic tasks than [...]

How can women entrepreneurs support other women? Emma Goode leads the discussion in Facebook’s Virtual Conversation2020-09-07T13:21:00+00:00

Instagram tests Messenger integration as part of Facebook’s cross-app communication plans


Imagine a world in which the messages you receive on Facebook also appear in WhatsApp, or Instagram. Simultaneously. We’re not fans of jargon at 24 fingers [...]

Instagram tests Messenger integration as part of Facebook’s cross-app communication plans2020-07-24T09:35:27+00:00

Changes afoot: Instagram allows selected marketers to run ad campaigns without a Facebook page


Strange things are afoot in social media land… After spending years knitting together the two platforms, Facebook-owned Instagram recently announced it would allow new advertisers [...]

Changes afoot: Instagram allows selected marketers to run ad campaigns without a Facebook page2020-07-16T13:33:34+00:00

Facebook tests new plans sticker feature that could be great for announcements


“Life moves pretty fast”, said Ferris Bueller in the 1986 John Hughes comedy, and crikey do we know what he means. Facebook’s ongoing integration of [...]

Facebook tests new plans sticker feature that could be great for announcements2020-07-15T08:20:38+00:00

Caveat emptor: Facebook takes legal action against firms selling fake likes and followers


Caveat emptor, or let the buyer beware, so the saying goes. Never was a truer word spoken when it comes to anyone entertaining the thought [...]

Caveat emptor: Facebook takes legal action against firms selling fake likes and followers2020-07-09T08:17:30+00:00

Introducing Facebook Shops: the free way to connect your Facebook and Instagram products


Social media has always bent over backwards to help small businesses spread their message and get the maximum number of eyes on their products. Facebook’s latest [...]

Introducing Facebook Shops: the free way to connect your Facebook and Instagram products2020-05-25T16:34:31+00:00